do almansa comercializacion 2019 datos vinos

The economic value of DO Almansa grew by 18% in 2019

Denomination of Origin Almansa closes the calendar year of commercialization in 2019 with an increase of 18% in its economic value with respect to the same period of the previous year, reaching 12.36 million euros. In addition, the total volume of wine sold was that of 41,950 hl, 17% more than in 2018.

These figures, which correspond to the closure of the campaign (on July 31st, 2019) last year, once again highlight the great growth as a global brand for Designation of Origin Almansa wines. Notably, the volume of exportation stands out once again, with a strong rise in sales value of 21 percent compared to 2018. As a result, wine consumed outside Spain now accounts for almost 80%of total sales, 12% more than a year ago.

do almansa comercializacion 2019 datos vinos

Canada is once again the main destination for DO Almansa wines

Canada is once again the largest wine consumer in the world (12,216.60 hl) of wines from the Designation of Origin Almansa, almost doubling its level of importations . China, which also took second place on the podium last year, increased its exports by 26 percent (6,278 hl), while, on this occasion, Germany closed the podium with a total volume of 3,131.33 hl. The United States and the Netherlands are the next countries in this “top 5” of the main markets for the wines from our production area.

do almansa comercializacion 2019

In terms of consumption by regions of the planet, North America was once again the one with the highest volume with 14,557 hl. In this context, the European Union is no longer the second most important destination for our exports after Asia (especially driven by the Chinese and Japanese markets), which recorded purchases of almost 10,000 hl (compared to 7,519 hl in Europe) and a 36% increase in sales compared to 2018.

Germany, the main European partner for our wines

In Europe, after Finland became the first destination for our wines last year, Germany (3131.33 hl) has confirmed itself as the great champion of DO Almansa in the old continent, with an increase in sales volume of 35%. Holland (1198.66) became the best second destination in the European Union, while Finland (723.18 hl), fell back to the third place.

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