adolfo salon de vinos do almansa bruselas

DO Almansa successfully closes a promotional campaign for our wines in Brussels and Copenhagen

Designation of Origin Almansa has started the year 2020 with a strong presence in Europe with a Wine Fair organized between the European capitals of Brussels (Belgium) and Copenhagen (Denmark), which has been a great success for the promotion of our production area, our wines and especially the Garnacha Tintorera, the essence grape of our DO Almansa.

This joint event, which took place between the 17th and 19th of February, was organised jointly by IPEX (the Institute for the Promotion of Castile-La Mancha) with the aim of promoting our production area and the wines of Castile-La Mancha to importers, the specialised public and distributors from all corners of Europe. This is one of the first actions with international projection that will be carried out this year by DO Almansa, and which will have its high point in the reverse action that will be carried out again this year in Almansa with importers from Germany.

salon de vinos bruselas y copenhague do Almansa

Adolfo Cano, the chairman of our DO Almansa, was present at the show in both European capitals, and gave a positive assessment of this international action which “once again places our production area and Castilla-La Mancha among the most important ones in Europe, giving value to our wines in the eyes of importers from many countries”.

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