stand verema alicante do Almansa

DO Almansa wines played the main role at Verema (Alicante) and at the Almarket blind wine tasting

Denomination of Origin Almansa has been blessed with a very busy October, paving the way for our wines to be tasted and enjoyed in and out of our region. In this case, in a major wine event as Verema Alicante.

 stand verema do almansa alicante

Denomination of Origin Almansa presented its wines to the attendance in its own stand at Alicante Verema Experience, held at the Alicante Old Bus Station. The goal was to introduce our leading products, their quality and the true nature of a production area that makes us different, aspects widely publicized. President Adolfo Cano regarded the outcome as “outstanding” in neighboring Alicante, due to “DO Almansa having greater visibility, thanks to the visitors’ rave reviews, meaning that we hit the target with our wine selection, and we would love to attain even more recognition at national level”.

stand verema alicante do Almansa

Almarket hold DO Almansa wine contest first edition

Almarket, chief store in Almansa town outskirts, held the first edition of the DO Almansa wine contest on October 25. The large crowd enjoyed a blind tasting of 12 different DO Almansa red wines. Wines could be tasted twice, and then the attendance gave 1 to 3 points to rate each wine. Three of them reached the highest scores, in an ideal event to promote DO Almansa and to remain close to the consumers.

do almansa cata de vino almarket

On another note, DO Almansa HQ hosted 40 French citizens from sister city Saint‑Médard‑en‑Jalles, as part of the twinning agreement 30th anniversary. Apart from visiting Almansa’s landmarks and monuments, our Aquitanian guests tasted some of DO Almansa wines. Our privileged location and history make our wines so heavily bonded to local culture and cuisine.

do almansa evento sede saint medard

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